Adobe just released AD0-E717: this is the new testbut also with Cloud objectives. This replaces AD0-E711. This practice test covers the core Adobe Commerce product but not yet Cloud. We are making the Cloud practice test for free.
Magento is tough to learn. There are concepts that are difficult to master (WTH is dependency injection?) and gremlins to conquer. This certification is your first step in proving your prowess as a Magento developer. Take this exam to see how you'll do on the real test. This practice exam is also included in our super popular, guaranteed Prep Course bundle for this certification.
This test was previously known as the Magento 2 Associate Developer Certification. It is now the Adobe Certified Professional—Magento Commerce Developer. It's new certification number is: AD0-E711.
Advantages to purchasing the bundle of tests: there is no expiration, and it gives you a user account, so you can take the practice test whenever you like and on a separate computer from the one you purchased it on (ie, maybe you want to take it in the evening after work). It gives you time. After taking it the first time, and depending on your score, we encourage you to study before you take it again.
Heads up: Did you know 4 takes of this practice test are included with the purchase of the Professional Developer Study Guide? Yes, that’s right! Hop on over and purchase your study guide complete with practice test access.
Our own Joseph Maxwell participated in the development of this exam. The test is targeted at individuals who have passed the Magento U Development fundamentals and are looking for a credential to prove their knowledge.
Before you take this sample test, please read and understand the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer study guide we have put together. It is very thorough and comprehensive.