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Thought Leadership

Learn about business, ecommerce, development, and what's going on at SwiftOtter

We love to document our knowledge and share it. As such, this is a collection of both our "geek-out" moments (technical) in addition to less technical aspects, such as store management, conference recaps and even discussion of core values.

We believe that if we learn something amazing, or have a lightbulb moment, we need to share it. Maybe it will inspire someone, help them solve a problem, or provide the needed information at the right time.


Read our musings about unique aspects of ecommerce development.

eCom Buzz

Get quick tips and tricks from the eCommerce veterans here at SwiftOtter. You can join the club to have these dropped directly into your inbox every other week.

Quick Tips by Chris Nanninga

Smash the Bug Podcast

Smash the Bug is Joseph's opportunity to interview talented developers in this industry. Our focus is primarily these difficult tasks that may seem insurmountable at the time. Yet, we break through and achieve success. This is the life of the developer and we hope to shine a spotlight on the heroes who make a genuine difference in our field.