eCommerce Training for Manufacturers

Clicks and Bricks: How Manufacturers Can Build an eCommerce Empire from the Factory Floor

Registration is now closed for the March 2024 class. Please contact us if you are interested in our next offering.

The short story

  • SwiftOtter provides training to manufacturers on how to get started in eCommerce.
  • This 5-week course is for established manufacturers with at least $500k in annual revenue. You will get value whether or not you have an eCommerce presence.
  • We cover how to build and maintain a roadmap, navigation + content architecture, optimize product pages, create an emotional connection with your visitors, and get the sale.
  • Join the class here.


Taking the eCommerce plunge can feel like deciding to skydive without knowing if your parachute is a high-tech model or a knapsack filled with gym socks. Sure, the view from up top is fantastic (hello, digital sales boost!), but there's a chance you might end up making changes at every level of your business.

It's like having a shopping cart full of questions with no checkout in sight. So, eCommerce remains that eternally procrastinated item on your organization's to-do list, like organizing that junk drawer at home. Years zip by, and still, that 'Go Digital!' task remains unchecked, gathering virtual dust next to 'Learn Mandarin' and 'Start Yoga.'

2024 can be the year that DONE is marked next to "eCommerce".

SwiftOtter is partnering with B2BTail to put on an educational but action-packed 5-class live seminar. These will cover just what you need to know to feel completely comfortable. We commit to not overwhelming you (the result would be eCommerce goes back on the to-do list for "next year").

This course includes five 90-minute classes: 60 minutes for teaching and completing the practical assignment and 30 minutes for question and answer. Classes are held each week, with three 60-minute office hours meetings. Feel free to pop in with any questions you have, and they will get answered.

Jon Guess, MBA teaches the classes. Jon has blazed the trail by scaling a company from $0 to a multi-million-dollar eCommerce enterprise. This change was so significant, and the success was so stunning that this company eventually centralized around its eCommerce operations.

Who is this for?

This training is not for everyone. We outline the following points to ensure you will get maximum value. You will benefit most from this training if you:

  • Transact at least $500k in yearly revenue.
  • Don't have eCommerce on your website and you believe this is a missed opportunity.
  • OR don't have an excellent eCommerce website.
  • Are willing to learn.


Five online, live classes

You'll have opportunity to ask questions.

Taught by a veteran

Jon Guess, MBA, has "been there, done that. He teaches from his experience.

Highly practical

But not too much stuff. Finely tuned to what you need to get started.

Includes office hours

Three one-hour sessions where you can jump on an ask questions.

Upcoming classes

Registration is now closed for the March 2024 class. Please sign up to hear when we release our next offering.


Time (Eastern)



11:00am - 12:30pm

Establishing the Roadmap


11:00am - 12:00pm

Office Hours


11:00am - 12:30pm

Navigation + Content Architecture


11:00am - 12:30pm

Optimizing the Product Page


11:00am - 12:00pm

Office Hours


11:00am - 12:30pm

Building an Emotional Connection


11:00am - 12:00pm

Office Hours


11:00am - 12:30pm

Streamlining the Cart + Checkout (get that sale!)

What you will learn

1. "Are we there yet, dad?"

eCommerce represents a new green field of opportunity if properly harnessed. This class focuses on the hurdles you will face and how to overcome them. A special section will be dedicated to getting internal buy-in and empowering sales reps, all while preserving traditional values.

2. Help them find it!

How your customers browse your website will significantly impact their willingness to buy from you. You will learn strategies to ensure your website starts on a good foundation. You will learn tricks that many websites do not even employ that will make your customers understand your products easier.

3. The devil is in the (product) details.

After your visitors have landed on what seems to be the product they want, they have to figure out if it really is the right fit for them. You need to get ahead of them having to pick up the phone to call you (because, let's face it, many won't and will just go to the next search result).

4. Getting your customer's heart involved.

Love is the most powerful feeling that a human experiences. While we aren't talking about your customers actually falling in love with you (how could you love a brand?), we will show several techniques to light a spark in your customer's hearts. You will be surprised as to how rarely these are implemented.

5. "Sign on the dotted line, please."

It's all for naught if your visitor doesn't place the order. This class discusses the critical elements of shipping, taxes, accepting payment and more.


Any further questions?

We would love to get in touch with you to answer any other questions that come to mind. Drop your question and contact information below and we will be "swiftly" back to you.

Lightning Image (Expect a fast response)