from "Magento" to Adobe
Adobe has released the ability to renew your certification.
We have extensively detailed this process. We estimate it will take up to four hours to renew your certification.
We've helped almost 10,000 people get Magento 2 certified. Thus, we thought it was high time to put this into written form and give you everything you need to get certified.
There's lots of news for this update. Read carefully.
Watch my interview with Liz Burns and Tyler Tu at Adobe. Liz and Tyler are assuming leadership of Magento certifications. I took the opportunity to chat with them about these upcoming changes to hear right from the source about what's happening:</p>
Recertifications are now required. There is a 2-year expiration on all Adobe certifications. Adobe will charge $150 (worldwide) and $80 (India) to recertify. These exams will be shorter than the original certifications. SwiftOtter will be providing short recertification materials to help you quickly and easily pass.
The decisions on how/when to expire certifications will be made in 2021. When they will actually expire is TBD. This can sound like really bad news—"we worked hard for this and you're now going to take them away!?" However, from a validation perspective (think of a merchant), if you are certified on Magento 2.2 and now Magento 2.4 is available, wouldn't they see a possible gap in your skills? Yes! That is why Adobe is moving toward expiration dates.</p>
Many details have yet to be released about how this will work. As you can see in my video above, there are some avenues to keep up these credentials instead of having someone fully re-certify every 2 years. Adobe has clearly stated that they are taking community feedback, so feel free to make your voice known.
Test time limits have increased to 2 hours (previously, 1.5 hours). This will give those who are not native English speakers additional time to take the test and reduce the pressure from not quickly understanding test questions.
Today is the day that Magento Certifications is transitioning into Adobe Certifications. This means that where you register to take the test is changing, the names of the certifications and the format in which you publicize your certifications are migrating to badges.