Practice Exam for Adobe Certified Expert (AD0-E716)

This practice test will help prepare you for what you will experience on test day. Tons of quality, representative questions.
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Important Note:

Adobe just released AD0-E716: this is the same test but also with Cloud objectives. This replaces AD0-E709. This study guide covers the core Adobe Commerce product but not yet Cloud. We are making the Cloud practice test available for free.

So, this certification test is no joke! It's known to be quite tough, and only a select group of developers manage to conquer it. To pass this test and become a Certified Expert Developer, you need more than just a basic understanding of the platform – you'll need significant experience and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

But hey, don't panic just yet! We've got your back with a practice test that can help you get a sense of where you stand. We have solid experience putting together practice tests - all together, we've written a whopping 200+ practice questions covering various tests. By taking this practice test, you'll gain a good idea of how well you might do in the actual exam.

This practice test is your secret weapon! It lets you assess your strengths and weaknesses, and pinpoint the areas that need more attention. With such a vast question bank, you'll encounter a wide range of scenarios and challenges, ensuring that you get a comprehensive understanding of the material. Plus, it's a great opportunity to get familiar with the format and time constraints of the real deal. So, gear up, take the practice test, and let's conquer this certification together!

All that said though, what if you could study along with someone who has been there and done that (and helped to update the certification, too)? Yes, I've written a course to eliminate your anxiety in passing the test. You work through the course you will pass the test.

We have built a practice test to help you prepare for the Expert Developer exam. This practice test has around 33 questions (plus 7 free questions). There is no time limit, but you can see a timer to observe how well you are doing There is at least one question per objective sub point. Click the red button below to get started.

Advantages to purchasing bulk-takes: gives you a user account, so you can take the practice test whenever you like and on a separate computer from the one you purchased it on (ie, maybe you want to take it in the evening after work). It gives you time.

Thank you to Greg Crane, Joshua Romero and Antonio Lolic for contributing questions. Each of these brilliant developers has passed this test, and they are contributing their knowledge to increase yours too.

Heads up: Did you know 4 practice takes are included with the purchase of the Certified Expert Developer Course? Yes, that’s right! Hop on over and purchase your study guide complete with practice test access.

The Magento 2 Certified Expert Developer exam is here—and it is a badge of honor. This test proves your deep knowledge of the Magento Open Source system. Here are some topics you can expect to find:

  • Magento 2 architecture (dependency injection, service contracts, XML files)
  • Database architecture (models, resource models, repositories and collections)
  • Frontend layout (blocks, templates, layout XML)
  • Caching best practices and overcoming challenges
  • Orders, checkout customization, customers, products

In preparing for the “big event,” nothing is better than a trial run. We have put together a sample practice test. Our sample test contains 33 real-life questions.

Before you take this sample test, please purchase, read, and understand the Magento 2 Certified Expert Developer study guide we have put together. It is very thorough and comprehensive.

Suggestions for Using the Practice Exam:

  • Don’t memorize the answers. That is not the purpose of the test. The purpose is to show you what areas in which you are weak.
  • These questions will NOT be found on the final exam. They might be similar. As they say on the real test, memorizing answers won't get you across the finish line.
  • If you get an answer wrong on a technicality, study what makes up the difference. Might you be thinking of Magento 1?
  • Take your time and think about each answer. Visualize any admin area answers.